How to work from home productively
Over the past few years, it’s become increasingly common to work remotely or work from home. With many of us experiencing the ‘WFH’ lifestyle for the first time, there are some unique challenges that you wouldn’t normally face in an office environment.
If you’re struggling to find your way with remote working, we have some tips and tricks to help you become more productive and happier while working from home.
Optimise Your Workspace
Working from the couch is tempting – but one of the biggest challenges when working from home is keeping your work and home lives separate. If you mix the two you could find it tricky to be productive during work hours and switch off at 5 pm.
Creating a designated workspace allows you to enter ‘work mode’.
To get yourself sorted with an efficient home office space, start by ensuring you have a tidy desk or table (this might be a multi-purpose space – like the kitchen table), a comfortable chair, and access to a good broadband connection.
Set a Regular Routine
This might seem simple, sticking to a routine seems obvious when working from home – but from experience, we know it can be easy to slip into those not-so-great habits.
Establishing a routine will help you create habits that actually improve the quality of your day. Take a morning walk or online yoga class, get dressed for the day and block out time for breaks.
When 5 pm rolls around – having an end of day routine can help you switch off. Check off your to-do list and calendar for the next day, have a tidy up and then make sure you actually get away from your computer and give yourself a chance to rest and recharge for the evening. We’ve found an end of a day walk to be the perfect way to step out of work mode.
Stay Connected with Team and Workmates
Feeling a little ‘office sick, and missing your workmates? It can be difficult to have that same connection with your colleagues when working from home – but in our digital age, there are plenty of ways to stay in touch!
If you’re missing the office fun, why not plan a team quiz or get-together via Zoom? Perhaps you could opt to keep in touch by organising weekly virtual coffee or lunch catch-ups. And for all the general office small talk and updates that happen during a workday, a group chat is the best way to keep that flowing.
Top tip, make sure you have a good internet connection in place – no one wants to be the workmate who is always freezing and buffering on the other end!
Take a Break
Stop skipping that lunch break. When you’re working from home, it can be really easy to get caught in your work – forgetting that you need some time for yourself.
Without the usual distraction that takes place in a normal office setting, it can be easy to miss the natural flow of taking breaks throughout the day. So, whether it’s heading outside for a walk around the block, listening to a motivational podcast or stopping for an afternoon cuppa – make sure you are taking time to recharge your body and mind.
Overall, taking regular breaks will help you stay productive and energised throughout the day.
Set Up a Fast and Reliable Internet Connection That Can Meet Your Demands
When you have a busy workday ahead, you don’t want slow internet holding you back. Setting up a good internet connection will help you get the most out of your day – whether you’re on the clock or not.
We would love to get you connected on a fast and reliable broadband plan that meets the demands of your lifestyle.
Get in touch with our local team today to chat more about our services and plans.